Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Mr Harvey

After fostering puppies in San Diego this past year and finding such a soothing comfort from their love - I found my perfect pup. 

Harvey Pierre Kavitz

I have always loved the French Bulldog breed and after further research fell more in love. The perfect apartment dog - lazy, a bit stubborn, no barking and a smaller breed. We picked Harvey up at a breeder in South Dakota nearly 2 months ago and have been in love since. 

Robin and the residents in her unit have been introduced to Harvey a few times - some really gravitate towards him. Dogs have such a calming ability and we have noticed that in Robin.

Yes Robin, the non animal lover has taken to Harvey slightly. We're hoping he can bring both her and I laughter, love and peace. 

Easter 2014

Although traveling any distance with Robin now feels like packing up a family of little ones in a car and a never ending day of saying "no" and redirecting... I wouldn't trade it for the world. It's exhausting and every detail must be thought out. What will she wear as comfort is key, her medications need to be pre portioned, snacks available at every moment, thicket for her liquids as every sip of juice needs to be thickened, and a movie for nap time. It takes preparation and patience. Then for a big holiday meal - the family has to be cautious what is sitting out because unlike a 2 year old, Robin can reach anything on the counter but her diet is limited.

Needless to say, time with family is priceless. Robin was able to visit with her 4 siblings, sister in laws, many nieces and nephews, and her own Mom for the day in Medford, MN.

We are blessed for these moments.

Nick & Robin enjoying some quiet time

Big smiles!

Golf cart ride around the farm

Family picture

Nick, Robin, Jeannie 

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

jazzing up Robin's home

Last night we added a little color to Robin's room...

And lots of new nail polish colors - she loves getting her nails painted.

And a stash of fresh new towels along with a shower chair 

Thursday, April 10, 2014

a little recap from Alton's April Birthday Celebration

lots of smiles from Robin!

click here:
Alton's April Birthday Celebration

what do you shop for?

Today I ordered my 58 year old Mother a walker and shower chair. I am 26.

After noting that her balance is declining rapidly and her muscles in her legs are quite weak making her walking risky, a walker was suggested. And when I bathe her she has trouble standing up in the shower so a chair would make it more comfortable. 

So I did some research and ordered online. After clicking the "purchase" button - Amazon strategically showed me suggestions for purchases based on my previous shopping. It stopped me in my tracks, how different my life is. What do normal 26 year olds shop for? 

Good books about romance, pool floaties for when I lived in San Diego, plastic wine tumblers, and a camera lens for my DSLR were the suggestions. 

I wouldn't ever change the opportunity to care for my young Mother as I have grown significantly, learned the value of our lives more than many ever get to, and given back to her just a morsel of the care and love she gave me. 

I do wonder sometimes what life was like just a year ago - it seems so far away. Moments like today when my suggested shopping list is far off from my new reality remind me to just breathe and accept the journey.

Monday, April 7, 2014

food she loves!

Spicy Mexican food = Robin's middle name

Unfortunately spice and chips aren't part of her diet plan because both make swallowing difficult. With that said she still loves Mexican.

If you swing by for a visit or meal time (lunch @ noon or dinner @ 5) or anytime really, feel free to bring her Chipotle..

Here's the perfect order:
Bowl with pinto beans, chicken, corn salsa, cheese, guacamole. No chips or drink.

When you serve her it's easiest to ask the staff at Alton in her unit for a smaller plate and then chop up the chicken into smaller pieces. Give a few spoonfuls at a time on her plate.

Today she are 3/4 of a bowl! It was a miracle and I felt so accomplished getting her to eat that much. Mission calorie load!

enjoying the outdoors and spring weather

Spring is nature's way of saying, "Let's party!"  -Robin Williams

And that's exactly what we plan to do! Live and enjoy every moment of springtime with Robin.

This weekend we went for 2 walks outside for fresh air, a change of scenery, good conversation, a little exercise, and lots of smiles. 

As you can see below, Robin has lost significant weight from not eating as much, walking constantly and not utilizing her muscles. She has developed a limp in her step as well and her foot tends to drag along. We're looking into solutions to help her walk but for now enjoying walking hand in hand.

Mother & Daughter
Nick & Robin
Dolly, Nick & Robin

Family Walk!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Senior Prom Coming Up!

Alton has an annual Senior Prom and it's coming up Tuesday, April 28th at 6:30pm.

If anyone wants to join us, all are welcome!

Also here is the link to the April Alton Newsletter and Calendar: