follow the journey of Robin's battle with Frontal-Temporal Degeneration "FTD". Diagnosed May 29, 2013 ... this is fast-progressing disease that atrophies the judgement, decision-making, and speech areas of the brain. It shares a common mutation with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis "ALS" or "Lou Gehrig's" which is now taking a toll on the muscles of the body causing weakness, imbalance, and slow uneasy movement.
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
jazzing up Robin's home
Last night we added a little color to Robin's room...
And lots of new nail polish colors - she loves getting her nails painted.
And a stash of fresh new towels along with a shower chair
Pillows look springy. And it is nice to hear she enjoys getting her nails done.