Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Easter 2014

Although traveling any distance with Robin now feels like packing up a family of little ones in a car and a never ending day of saying "no" and redirecting... I wouldn't trade it for the world. It's exhausting and every detail must be thought out. What will she wear as comfort is key, her medications need to be pre portioned, snacks available at every moment, thicket for her liquids as every sip of juice needs to be thickened, and a movie for nap time. It takes preparation and patience. Then for a big holiday meal - the family has to be cautious what is sitting out because unlike a 2 year old, Robin can reach anything on the counter but her diet is limited.

Needless to say, time with family is priceless. Robin was able to visit with her 4 siblings, sister in laws, many nieces and nephews, and her own Mom for the day in Medford, MN.

We are blessed for these moments.

Nick & Robin enjoying some quiet time

Big smiles!

Golf cart ride around the farm

Family picture

Nick, Robin, Jeannie 

1 comment:

  1. Nick is so amazing and the two of you, Harvey, and mama Robin make a beautiful family ♡
