Monday, April 7, 2014

food she loves!

Spicy Mexican food = Robin's middle name

Unfortunately spice and chips aren't part of her diet plan because both make swallowing difficult. With that said she still loves Mexican.

If you swing by for a visit or meal time (lunch @ noon or dinner @ 5) or anytime really, feel free to bring her Chipotle..

Here's the perfect order:
Bowl with pinto beans, chicken, corn salsa, cheese, guacamole. No chips or drink.

When you serve her it's easiest to ask the staff at Alton in her unit for a smaller plate and then chop up the chicken into smaller pieces. Give a few spoonfuls at a time on her plate.

Today she are 3/4 of a bowl! It was a miracle and I felt so accomplished getting her to eat that much. Mission calorie load!

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