Tuesday, March 18, 2014

repost from Sep 24, 2013 - an update

Some days are easier than others but Robin seems to be settling into her new reality. I wanted to share with everyone a few updates...

-She no longer drivers/has her car - and for the most part conversation has ceased on this topic. She is in need of rides often and I'm working to get her comfortable with taking a local Hudson taxi. Feel free to encourage Ninja Cab as a good option!
-We are on the search for a local Doctor, not necessarily a Neurologist, but someone who can understand her dementia and treat her for day-to-day issues. Also a Doctor that can build her trust.
-Her furniture/decor - the remainder is arriving from Palm Springs this week - thanks Nick and Charles for helping pack it up! And thanks to the volunteers unloading and those helping unpack it as well. Hopefully she feels fully settled after it all arrives.
-Medications - her Doctor has prescribed a sleeping aid to help her sleep at night. She is anxious and gets exhausted easily during the day - likely because she is getting minimal sleep at night. Please feel free to encourage using her "sleeping supplement" at night. Say "I've used a sleep aid for many years" or "What kind do you have? Oh gosh that's the best" etc...
-Work - well that's a whole other topics. She goes to her office almost daily for a few hours - not exactly what she does during that time. We're working on this aspect but need to find her a substitute day time activity - still looking for suggestions on this.
For the most part logistics are getting worked out thanks to the help of Team Robin!

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